DIY Wardrobes Made Easy
Kiwis have a natural “can-do” attitude, and doing things yourself can be really satisfying especially when you know you have saved yourself a lot of money! The biggest benefit to a DIY wardrobe system is the affordability. You will save a tonne of money by avoiding the design consultation fees, installation surcharges, as well as inflated prices required to cover overhead running costs of a showroom. Even though our wardrobes are cheaper, the quality is not! Our wardrobe organisers are made from high-grade melamine in 18mm and 16mm panel thickness and all come with a 10-year warranty* – how’s that!
DIY Wardrobes Made Easy – Because our wardrobe systems are “modular”, the ‘towers’ are standard sizes so you don’t have any difficult decisions to make. You can choose the location of the tower/s in your wardrobe, and fill in the rest of the spaces with hanging rails – it’s so easy!
Overcomplicated wardrobe designs can put some people into a spiral of confusion, but our storage organisers cover all the bases with drawers, shelves and hanging rails. And you will often find that our standardised designs still “tick the boxes” that a bespoke system covers, at a smidgen of the price tag!
If you’re nervous to have your family-friend Garry (who’s a little heavy on the hammer) come and install your wardrobe system for you, then do it yourself! Our flat pack wardrobes are designed for anyone with basic home-handy skills to put together. The tools you will need are typically house-hold staple items or can be purchased relatively cheaply at your local hardware store. To find out the tools you will need, just view the product installation instructions.
Below are some helpful tips to get you started…
1) Measure – Grab a tape measure, and measure the wardrobe width, depth, ceiling height and the height of the door frame (for reach-in wardrobes). Jot these down and sketch out a bird’s eye view of the space you have to work with. Having a visual allows you to play with a variety of layout combinations.

2) Take Stock – Take a good look at the type of items you have and what type of storage you really need. Do you have mostly long dresses/tunics so require lots of full-length hanging? Or do you live in activewear and need a lot of drawers for folded clothes? Maybe your shoe obsession needs to be stacked in a shelf tower so you can easily view them all? Do you co-share a wardrobe and both have different storage needs? Write down what type of storage you need so when you plan the space you can ensure it’s going to suit your needs.
3) Plan Layout – Make a cuppa and sit down with your measurements and plan out how you will layout the wardrobe system. Remember, you can move the towers around, add more or less. The pictures are shown on our website display an example, but you really can have the freedom to change it up to how you want. Hanging rails can be fitted in spaces from 250mm up to 1000mm wide, and can be installed at any height, so if you are particularly short or tall you can have the rails at your desired height. The tower modules are standard sizes and cannot be altered. The adjustment is in the hanging rails and top-shelf, which you measure and cut to fit your wardrobe space. It really is just that simple!

4) Choose Product – Now you know how many towers, drawers, top shelves, hanging rails you need; scroll through our website ranges to select one (or more) that suits you.
5) Do your homework! By all means, shop around, compare our prices and wardrobe quality, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Of course, we have fewer costs to cover as an online store so we are able to offer very competitive prices to our customers without compromising on the quality.
View our installation video’s and instructions before buying so you can be prepared with the right tools, and have the confidence to install your wardrobe system for when it arrives – no need to call Garry!
6) Buy With Confidence – And just think, once your wardrobe system is installed you will be able to open your wardrobe and actually see what you love…and love what you see! (*see T’s & C’s for more info)
We hope this blog has been useful in helping you decide our DIY wardrobe systems are the way to go! Wardrobes Online offer a great range of systems, from shelf towers, to drawer towers and plenty of hanging spaces as well as utilising a top shelf for those less-frequently used items. They are affordable and easy to install, and make a huge difference in your wardrobe – you will wish you had installed one sooner! Check out our range on our website